Life is busy! There seems to always be something going on in
work, at church, or at home. It's hard finding time to have intentional
relationships, but they are much needed. I'm grateful that my church encourages
community groups to gather once a week. This makes it easy to get to know
people in your area and build strong relationships with people you normally
1. Be approachable: I haven't approached some ladies before
because they just have this mug on their face that says, "What are you
looking at?" I want to say, "Umm, nothing. I'm sorry," and walk
away very quickly. Ladies, check your face.
2. Be a good listener: I have the hardest time with this
one. I can be really selfish and find great joy in talking all about myself. I
can change an entire conversation that starts about someone else and to become
about me. Something the Holy Spirit has been convicting me on is to start intentionally
listening to anyone that talks with me. What are they saying? Are they
passionate about it? I don't have to put my two cents in, I can just listen and
rejoice, mourning, or just be with them.
3. Be truthful but gracious: After listening, sometimes
there needs to be truth shared. Whether it's sin to be addressed or you can
tell they are believing a lie from the enemy, we are to share truth graciously.
Truth isn't a hammer to break a person with. It isn't a moment of "I told you
so." It's "please hear me out on this, because I love you." Pray
first. Ask for wisdom and the words to address issues and share truth. Share
Jesus with them.
4. Be adventurous: Your friends may like things that you
have never tried or may not be right up your alley but I say, give it a try.
They may like rollercoasters, hiking, roller blading, or sewing. Go for it. :)
Step out of your comfort zone and try it. You never know, you may like it. I
know that one of the things that blessed me, is when my best friend &
husband Derek took me to a modern dance class. I love dance, but he does not!
But he signed us up as a date night, and we both had such a blast. It was a onetime
thing, but it was a memory for the books.
5. Be loving, even when it's hard: Sometimes, we don't see
eye to eye and that's okay. We live in a fallen world with sinful people and
despite how much we try, we will let each other down and even hurt each other.
Don't jump out of a friendship when something happens, stick in there and watch
your friendship get strong in the long run. It's worth it.
Are you someone that others consider a good friend? What
ways is Jesus changing your heart and mind in order to become a better one?